Sunday, January 25, 2009

25 Random Things About Me!

Well, I posted this on Facebook but thought I'd add it here, too. ENJOY!

1. I am doing this to see if I can actually come up with 25 things!

2. I never, ever skipped a full day of school. Periods (like biology in 10th grade), yes, but not the full day.

3. I wish I had been a little more together in high school. I regret how immature I was at times.

4. I played softball from 3rd - 6th grades and my dad was my coach.

5. I once sang backup for an Elvis impersonator.

6. I am a TV addict! Favorite shows: 24, Greys (until this season), Friday Night Lights, Brothers & Sisters, and TV news shows like Dateline & 20/20, which my husband thinks I need to stop watching.

7. My mom worked, and my dad was my babysitter during the day for the first 4 years of my life.

8. My favorite nail polish color: "You're A Pisa Work" by OPI.

9. Best trip ever: Joe took me to the Golden Globe awards for our 10th anniversary! We stayed at the Beverly Hilton and saw all the stars walk the red carpet! Unbelievable!

10. If I could spend the day with one person, it would be my sister. She's the best! :)

11. I hate to cook and feed my kids frozen food, takeout, or anything out of a can that can be microwaved. Sometimes they get fresh fruit. Mother of the year.

12. I believe that, despite the chaos I sometimes feel, God is still on His throne! :)

13. LaFon Bailey gives me the best highlights and haircuts! I love her!!

14. Nothing is more important to me than my sweet family - Joe, Ross, Chloe & Emmy bring me more joy (and, at times, frustration and angst) than I thought possible!

15. One of my best memories of growing up on Buckeye Lane is Pizza Inn on Friday nights followed by neighborhood hide-and-seek with all the kids while the parents sat in the Armstrong's driveway.

16. My first concert was Duran Duran in 8th grade. I was in love with Simon LeBon!

17. I had an enormous crush on Jon, the blonde guy from CHiPS! Cheryl Armstrong & I used to pretend we were married to Ponch & Jon!

18. Large Diet Coke with extra ice from the Sonic at Legacy & Lebanon makes me very, very happy. My need to stop there in the morning often makes my children late for school!!

19. I hate clutter.

20. I love snow days (even though it leads to the thing I hate in #19).

21. We are moving to Connecticut this summer, and I am looking forward to more of #20!

22. My sister & I once peeked at my Christmas presents at the infamous house on Buckeye Lane. They were hidden in my parents' bathroom in the cabinets above the sink. In the process, we managed to break off a tile from the sink and had to make a mad dash to Perry's Office supply for some Super Glue, using the change we "borrowed" from my dad's dresser. I don't think my parents ever found out!

23. If I could interview one person, it would be Steven Speilberg. Can you imagine what that would be like?

24. I wish I knew where Shari Fox was & what she is up to!

25. I had my first kiss at a party in Houston while visiting my cousin, Peggy. It was at a girl named Christy's house, and the lucky guy was Adrian! :)


The Curtis Crew said...

I like the new background and your kids couldn't be any cuter! I remember Shari Fox..she used to babysit us!

Unknown said...

Love your blog! You'll have to give me the tutorial on how to change backgrounds b/c I'm clueless.

Also wanted to say "thanks" for your input on our education dilemma :) Your insights and experiences were just what I needed to hear and have helped more than you can know. I still go back and forth on where we'll go, but am confident in the one change that we'll be making :). Sorry you're going to be moving... I'm sure I would have soaked up all kinds of other insights from you too!

Her Royal Highness said...

I just realized that blogger has apparently changed something with my account so you may not realize who I am from the previous post :) Fixed it.