The new Mac has now stored, "face-identified," and categorized over 12,000 pictures. Amazing technology, if you ask me. I wanted to see how easy it is to post pictures from there to here, so I've decided to post a few of my favorites. Except, I don't have a FEW favorites... I have about 300. In an effort to not bore y'all to tears, I had my girls narrow it down for me to 9. Maybe today will be the day I learn how to move the pictures after I upload them to the blog!! Or,maybe I will just be satisfied with having gotten them from place to place with no major technical difficulties. We will see.
Here is a favorite of Ross when he was 5. We went to Disneyworld for the first time, and he was fascinated by Buzz Lightyear and all things Toy Story! I am pretty sure we did the Buzz Lightyear ride 1,000 times that week!!
A shot of my two very favorite men!!!

In an effort to prove that Chloe DID, in fact, have a belly at one time,
and that she also did, in fact, love fruit, I had to post this one.

And, this is what happened when she started gymnastics.
No more belly, and no more love of fruit. It's all about the carbs now!!!

Chloe with Santa. Magical.
You think maybe we should have known we were in for it
after snapping this picture of Emmy?

Here's one of her being sweet. I love her in yellow!!!

The seesters.

Here is a "grandkid shot" from our family vacation to Hilton Head.
It isn't easy to get everyone to cooperate,
so Ginger & I were lucky to have 2 cameras
and at least 60% cooperation in most photos!!

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