Sunday, March 30, 2008


Welcome to the official launch of my blog! I've wanted to do this for so long! I hope to make this a good mix of everyday stuff from Casa Widner and also my own commentary on different things, mostly television shows, I suspect. For now, just a little update on life here:

Ross: Eleven years old and acting every bit the 'tween!! He loves LEGOS, Star Wars, his Wii, playing the piano (okay, not really, but he wants to play in the band next year so he has to endure a year of piano), reading, and eating at IHOP. He is a great friend and a super big brother!

Chloe: Seven years old. loves her American Girl doll, gymnastics, any kind of art work, school, and her friends. She has a sweet disposition (for now) and is a delight!

Emmy: Almost 3. She is at that "I can do it myself" phase, except she really can't. She loves Dora, being outside, riding her trike, and her brother & sister.

Joe is in Israel this week with our Sunday school class, and from what I've seen and read on the trip blog, he's having a fabulous time! We have a busy week here at home, and we will cap it off with a trip to Ft. Worth to see High School Musical on Ice! Look for pictures very soon!

1 comment:

L. Mida said...

Yea for Kate's blog!! Can I put a link to your blog on my blog! I look forward to reading all your posts!!! Love you...Leslie :)